Brunelli Law Blog

Brunelli Law Blog


Do You Need a License for Contract Work in Florida?

December 14, 20234 min read

When delving into the construction industry in Florida, several key questions often arise, particularly regarding the necessity of licensing and the legal processes involved in ensuring payment for services rendered. Understanding these aspects is crucial, especially for subcontractors and members of immigrant communities who are trying to navigate the complexities of Florida's construction laws.


Why Is Licensing So Important in Florida's Construction Industry?


Licensing in Florida's construction sector is not just a formality but a legal imperative. It serves as a validation of a contractor's skills and professionalism. Operating without a license may be illegal and exposes contractors to significant risks, including the inability to enforce liens. This legal requirement protects the public from inferior construction practices and ensures that contractors have a legitimate means to seek payment.


What Risks Do Unlicensed Contractors Face?


Unlicensed contractors in Florida encounter substantial risks. The most significant is the inability to legally place a construction lien on a property and enforce said lien. This limitation is particularly challenging for subcontractors who have completed their work but find themselves struggling to get paid. Without a license, their legal avenues to claim due payments are severely limited.


How Crucial Is the Notice to Owner (NTO) for Contractors?


The Notice to Owner (NTO) is a vital tool for contractors, especially subcontractors. This document, which must be filed within the first 45 days of starting a project, is crucial for preserving the right to file a construction lien in case of non-payment. The NTO is straightforward yet powerful; it can prevent significant financial losses for a minimal cost.


What Happens If You Miss the NTO Filing Deadline?


Failing to file an NTO within the 45-day window can lead to serious consequences. Without this notice, subcontractors lose the right to file a construction lien, which is a key mechanism to enforce payment for services rendered.


What Are Construction Liens and Their Importance?


Construction liens, also known as mechanic's liens, are legal claims against a property made by contractors or subcontractors who have not been paid for their work. In Florida, the law stipulates that only licensed contractors can file these liens. They must be filed within 90 days of the contractor's last day of work on the project. Missing this deadline can invalidate the lien, leaving the contractor without a key tool for securing payment.


The right to foreclose if you have a mechanic’s lien on a real estate property


A significant benefit to being able to place a lien on a property for work performed to improve such property, is the right to file a foreclosure action against said property in order to get paid for the work performed. A lien gives the contractors and subcontractors the benefit of putting a cloud on the title of said property which will keep the property from being sold without first satisfying the lien. In the alternative, through a foreclosure action, the contractor and subcontractor can force the sale of the property in order to get paid as well. This forces the homeowner to negotiate a settlement with the contractor/subcontractor and resolve all pending payments instead of risking losing their property which most likely is worth many times the amounts owed for the work performed. 


How Can You Protect Your Rights as a Contractor in Florida?


To protect your rights as a contractor in Florida, it's essential to ensure proper licensing. This not only legitimizes your business but also equips you with the legal tools necessary for enforcing contracts and filing liens, including the right to recover attorney’s fees and costs for filing the lien and a foreclosure action. This additional benefit and protection is provided by Florida Statutes. Staying informed about legal requirements and deadlines for notices and liens is also crucial.


For a deeper understanding of these issues, particularly as they pertain to the Brazilian community in South Florida, I recommend watching my recent video interview with Attorney Michael Garcia. In this interview, available on my Instagram, we explore the nuances of construction liens, the importance of licensing, and the legal avenues available to contractors in Florida. 


Need Further Assistance? Reach Out for Help


If you find yourself in need of guidance or legal assistance, don't hesitate to reach out. Our team is well-versed in these matters and dedicated to supporting contractors, subcontractors, and members of the community in protecting their legal rights and interests. Contact us for a consultation, and let's work together to find the best solutions for your specific needs.



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Do You Need a License for Contract Work in Florida?

December 14, 20234 min read

When delving into the construction industry in Florida, several key questions often arise, particularly regarding the necessity of licensing and the legal processes involved in ensuring payment for services rendered. Understanding these aspects is crucial, especially for subcontractors and members of immigrant communities who are trying to navigate the complexities of Florida's construction laws.


Why Is Licensing So Important in Florida's Construction Industry?


Licensing in Florida's construction sector is not just a formality but a legal imperative. It serves as a validation of a contractor's skills and professionalism. Operating without a license may be illegal and exposes contractors to significant risks, including the inability to enforce liens. This legal requirement protects the public from inferior construction practices and ensures that contractors have a legitimate means to seek payment.


What Risks Do Unlicensed Contractors Face?


Unlicensed contractors in Florida encounter substantial risks. The most significant is the inability to legally place a construction lien on a property and enforce said lien. This limitation is particularly challenging for subcontractors who have completed their work but find themselves struggling to get paid. Without a license, their legal avenues to claim due payments are severely limited.


How Crucial Is the Notice to Owner (NTO) for Contractors?


The Notice to Owner (NTO) is a vital tool for contractors, especially subcontractors. This document, which must be filed within the first 45 days of starting a project, is crucial for preserving the right to file a construction lien in case of non-payment. The NTO is straightforward yet powerful; it can prevent significant financial losses for a minimal cost.


What Happens If You Miss the NTO Filing Deadline?


Failing to file an NTO within the 45-day window can lead to serious consequences. Without this notice, subcontractors lose the right to file a construction lien, which is a key mechanism to enforce payment for services rendered.


What Are Construction Liens and Their Importance?


Construction liens, also known as mechanic's liens, are legal claims against a property made by contractors or subcontractors who have not been paid for their work. In Florida, the law stipulates that only licensed contractors can file these liens. They must be filed within 90 days of the contractor's last day of work on the project. Missing this deadline can invalidate the lien, leaving the contractor without a key tool for securing payment.


The right to foreclose if you have a mechanic’s lien on a real estate property


A significant benefit to being able to place a lien on a property for work performed to improve such property, is the right to file a foreclosure action against said property in order to get paid for the work performed. A lien gives the contractors and subcontractors the benefit of putting a cloud on the title of said property which will keep the property from being sold without first satisfying the lien. In the alternative, through a foreclosure action, the contractor and subcontractor can force the sale of the property in order to get paid as well. This forces the homeowner to negotiate a settlement with the contractor/subcontractor and resolve all pending payments instead of risking losing their property which most likely is worth many times the amounts owed for the work performed. 


How Can You Protect Your Rights as a Contractor in Florida?


To protect your rights as a contractor in Florida, it's essential to ensure proper licensing. This not only legitimizes your business but also equips you with the legal tools necessary for enforcing contracts and filing liens, including the right to recover attorney’s fees and costs for filing the lien and a foreclosure action. This additional benefit and protection is provided by Florida Statutes. Staying informed about legal requirements and deadlines for notices and liens is also crucial.


For a deeper understanding of these issues, particularly as they pertain to the Brazilian community in South Florida, I recommend watching my recent video interview with Attorney Michael Garcia. In this interview, available on my Instagram, we explore the nuances of construction liens, the importance of licensing, and the legal avenues available to contractors in Florida. 


Need Further Assistance? Reach Out for Help


If you find yourself in need of guidance or legal assistance, don't hesitate to reach out. Our team is well-versed in these matters and dedicated to supporting contractors, subcontractors, and members of the community in protecting their legal rights and interests. Contact us for a consultation, and let's work together to find the best solutions for your specific needs.



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The Barrister’s Building

1615 Forum Place Suite 3A West Palm Beach, FL 33401


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