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Newsletter 2024

February 26, 20248 min read

Your Dedicated Attorney Committed to Working for You

Business Law • Family Law • Real Estate • Probate & Estate Planning • (954) 474-7703

Marjorie's Message


The #1 Secret Weapon to have in Your Legal Arsenal

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Ah, February! The month when love is in the air, and flowers and chocolates are triple the price😉 It’s also the perfect time to chat about something close to my heart and, surprisingly, quite revolutionary in our line of work: kindness. Now, before you chuckle and wonder if I’ve swapped legal briefs for Hallmark cards, hear me out.

Humanity in the Legal Labyrinth

In the legal world, where "amicable" often means "I’ll see you in court," and "negotiation" is code for "brace yourself," it’s easy to forget that we are all human. Yes, even attorneys. Shocking, I know! But amidst the hustle of clauses, contracts, and courtroom drama, I’ve discovered something quite extraordinary: the power of simply being kind.

A Teaspoon of Kindness

Let’s face it, we’ve all been there. That moment when tensions could be cut with a gavel, and you’re so entangled in legal jargon that even Shakespeare would say, "Come again?" It's precisely then that dropping a teaspoon of kindness can work wonders. Imagine, instead of firing off another email that could freeze lava, you opt for a call to simply ask, "Hey, how’s it going?" You are not surrendering; you are being strategic with a sprinkle of human decency. And let's not forget the karmic boomerang effect—what goes around, comes around. A little kindness today can pave the way for unexpected and great relationships tomorrow.

Embracing Innovation with Blue Ocean Strategies

Recently, my journey toward spreading kindness took a digital turn. Last year, I partnered with a legal marketing company called Blue Ocean Strategies. Their expertise has been instrumental in enhancing our social media presence, refining our Google profile, and even in the crafting of my newsletters and blogs. A task I previously never had the time or resources to focus on.

A couple of months back we launched a campaign to gather new Google reviews. We reached out to clients in a friendly and professional manner, inviting them to share their experiences. We even organized a little giveaway as a way to say thank you. The campaign was a success, but it also reminded me that the path to kindness can have its bumps.

A Lesson in Kindness and Misunderstandings

The campaign provided participants the option to either participate, or opt out by simply typing “stop”, which would remove the recipient from the list and avoid any further messages or requests.

One person, instead of opting out, left an unkind review suggesting we spent more time requesting feedback than addressing their case. In reality there never was a case, and our interaction was limited to a single, swiftly handled document—a power of attorney needed urgently for use in another country. We addressed this person’s needs effectively, something they had been unable to achieve with prior firms they contacted to resolve this issue. We also connected this person with a translator to get them the best rate possible and facilitated communication between the parties.

This experience, though initially very disheartening and upsetting, reinforced the importance of patience and understanding. It was a stark reminder that behind every review, every request for assistance, there’s a person. Perhaps burdened with their own stresses and challenges, they react in unexpected ways. It's a moment like this that truly tests our commitment to kindness. Do we respond with frustration, or do we choose empathy and understanding?

The Challenge of Kindness

This little adventure with reviews has been quite the eye-opener. It has shown me that the road to spreading kindness is filled with twists and turns. Every response, every interaction is a chance to practice understanding and empathy—even when it doesn't go as planned. It's these moments that remind us why staying kind matters. It's not just about making someone's day a bit better; it's about building a community where everyone feels heard and valued.

So, this February, I challenge you to join me in an experiment. Let’s make it our mission to spread a little kindness in both our professional and personal lives. Whether it’s a genuine compliment, a thoughtful gesture, or simply holding the elevator door, let’s see how these small acts of kindness can transform our daily lives.

The Karma of Kindness

Who knows what will happen by next month? At the very least, we will have made someone's day a bit brighter. And with the universe taking note of our actions, it's ready to return the favor when we least expect it. Here’s to a month filled with flowers, human connections, and perhaps a piece of chocolate or two.

Remember, in the courtroom of life, kindness is always admissible evidence, and karma, the ultimate judge, is always watching.



Marjorie Brunelli, Esq.

The Barrister’s Building

1615 Forum Place, Suite 3A

West Palm Beach, FL 33401

Telephone: 954-474-7703



Your Questions In Focus

What Happens to Your Property If You Owned It Before Getting Married in Florida?

When you tie the knot in Florida, you are not just saying "I do" to your spouse; you are also entering into a legal relationship with the state's laws on property division. Now, before you start envisioning a courtroom drama where you are fighting tooth and nail over who gets the antique spoon collection, let's take a deep dive into the sunny side of understanding what happens to the property you owned before getting married in the Sunshine State.

Marital vs. Non-Marital Property: What's the Difference?

It is important to understand the distinction between marital and non-marital property under Florida law. Essentially, anything you owned prior to your marriage is considered non-marital property and should, in theory, remain yours in the event of a divorce. This includes that car you've been polishing every Sunday, the condo you bought after landing your first big job, or the vintage guitar you've been strumming for years.

However, the waters can get a bit murky. For instance, you might assume that your pension, which you started accruing at a job before meeting your spouse, is entirely yours. But the value that your pension accumulates during the marriage is seen as marital property. Imagine your pension as a tree you planted before your marriage; the fruits it bears during your marriage are considered a joint effort.

Commingling of Assets: A Note on Shared Finances

An important aspect to consider is the commingling of assets. This occurs when non-marital property is mixed with marital property, potentially changing its classification. For example, if rent from a property owned before marriage is deposited into a joint account, it may be considered commingled and thus potentially classified as marital property. Understanding commingling is crucial in determining the division of assets.

Are There Exceptions to the Rule?

Indeed, there are a few twists. Prenuptial agreements can alter the standard definitions of marital and non-marital property, allowing couples to decide for themselves how their assets should be categorized. It's akin to agreeing on who gets which slice of the pie before even baking it.

Income from non-marital assets also presents an interesting scenario. If you're the proud owner of a rental property before getting hitched, not only is the property itself non-marital, but so too is the income it generates during your marriage. Yes, you can indeed have your cake and eat it, at least in this case.

How Does the Division Process Work?

Don't rush to label every item in your possession just yet. The division of property in a divorce is more than a simple game of "mine" and "yours." It involves a comprehensive discovery phase where everything is put on the table—yes, including that fancy cutlery made of sterling silver you thought no one knew about.

Open communication is crucial. The story of how and when each asset came into your life could significantly affect whether it is considered marital or non-marital. Received an inheritance during your marriage? If it was just to you, Florida law typically sees it as yours alone.

What If Ownership Is Contested?

Here's where it gets a bit like a detective story. Proving (or contesting) ownership requires gathering evidence, such as purchase receipts, financial statements, and possibly even witness testimony. It's about building a case to demonstrate that what's yours is indeed yours, or figuring out what's fair if things are less clear.

Ready for Some Assistance?

Brunelli Law P.A. is more than a law firm; it's your partner in navigating the complexities of property division and all the other complex factors that come along with a divorce. We're here to protect what's yours, offering expertise with a personal touch.

Ready to secure your assets with ease? Simply schedule a consultation by visiting this booking link and let's dive into the details together. Stay strong and take the necessary steps to protect yourself and your family.

Stay tuned for next month's newsletter for more answers to your

burning legal questions!

Follow Us on Instagram For More Helpful Insights like this!


The Supreme Comical Counsel

Delivering Laughter in the Name of Justice


Extending Our Sincere Appreciation for Your Support and Referrals 

Thank you for entrusting us with your legal needs. If you've been satisfied with the legal services you've received, could you please take a moment to share your experience?

Your review will not only serve as invaluable feedback for me but will also assist others in making an informed decision when seeking legal representation. Thank you!

Please Leave Us a Review!

Enjoyed This Newsletter? 

If you're hungry for more engaging content, we invite you to explore our new website where we post monthly informational blogs. For even more updates, follow us on Instagram, where we share tons of fresh content every week.

Thank you again for being part of our community, and get ready for another exciting newsletter coming your way next month! Stay tuned!

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Newsletter 2024

February 26, 20248 min read

Your Dedicated Attorney Committed to Working for You

Business Law • Family Law • Real Estate • Probate & Estate Planning • (954) 474-7703

Marjorie's Message


The #1 Secret Weapon to have in Your Legal Arsenal

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Ah, February! The month when love is in the air, and flowers and chocolates are triple the price😉 It’s also the perfect time to chat about something close to my heart and, surprisingly, quite revolutionary in our line of work: kindness. Now, before you chuckle and wonder if I’ve swapped legal briefs for Hallmark cards, hear me out.

Humanity in the Legal Labyrinth

In the legal world, where "amicable" often means "I’ll see you in court," and "negotiation" is code for "brace yourself," it’s easy to forget that we are all human. Yes, even attorneys. Shocking, I know! But amidst the hustle of clauses, contracts, and courtroom drama, I’ve discovered something quite extraordinary: the power of simply being kind.

A Teaspoon of Kindness

Let’s face it, we’ve all been there. That moment when tensions could be cut with a gavel, and you’re so entangled in legal jargon that even Shakespeare would say, "Come again?" It's precisely then that dropping a teaspoon of kindness can work wonders. Imagine, instead of firing off another email that could freeze lava, you opt for a call to simply ask, "Hey, how’s it going?" You are not surrendering; you are being strategic with a sprinkle of human decency. And let's not forget the karmic boomerang effect—what goes around, comes around. A little kindness today can pave the way for unexpected and great relationships tomorrow.

Embracing Innovation with Blue Ocean Strategies

Recently, my journey toward spreading kindness took a digital turn. Last year, I partnered with a legal marketing company called Blue Ocean Strategies. Their expertise has been instrumental in enhancing our social media presence, refining our Google profile, and even in the crafting of my newsletters and blogs. A task I previously never had the time or resources to focus on.

A couple of months back we launched a campaign to gather new Google reviews. We reached out to clients in a friendly and professional manner, inviting them to share their experiences. We even organized a little giveaway as a way to say thank you. The campaign was a success, but it also reminded me that the path to kindness can have its bumps.

A Lesson in Kindness and Misunderstandings

The campaign provided participants the option to either participate, or opt out by simply typing “stop”, which would remove the recipient from the list and avoid any further messages or requests.

One person, instead of opting out, left an unkind review suggesting we spent more time requesting feedback than addressing their case. In reality there never was a case, and our interaction was limited to a single, swiftly handled document—a power of attorney needed urgently for use in another country. We addressed this person’s needs effectively, something they had been unable to achieve with prior firms they contacted to resolve this issue. We also connected this person with a translator to get them the best rate possible and facilitated communication between the parties.

This experience, though initially very disheartening and upsetting, reinforced the importance of patience and understanding. It was a stark reminder that behind every review, every request for assistance, there’s a person. Perhaps burdened with their own stresses and challenges, they react in unexpected ways. It's a moment like this that truly tests our commitment to kindness. Do we respond with frustration, or do we choose empathy and understanding?

The Challenge of Kindness

This little adventure with reviews has been quite the eye-opener. It has shown me that the road to spreading kindness is filled with twists and turns. Every response, every interaction is a chance to practice understanding and empathy—even when it doesn't go as planned. It's these moments that remind us why staying kind matters. It's not just about making someone's day a bit better; it's about building a community where everyone feels heard and valued.

So, this February, I challenge you to join me in an experiment. Let’s make it our mission to spread a little kindness in both our professional and personal lives. Whether it’s a genuine compliment, a thoughtful gesture, or simply holding the elevator door, let’s see how these small acts of kindness can transform our daily lives.

The Karma of Kindness

Who knows what will happen by next month? At the very least, we will have made someone's day a bit brighter. And with the universe taking note of our actions, it's ready to return the favor when we least expect it. Here’s to a month filled with flowers, human connections, and perhaps a piece of chocolate or two.

Remember, in the courtroom of life, kindness is always admissible evidence, and karma, the ultimate judge, is always watching.



Marjorie Brunelli, Esq.

The Barrister’s Building

1615 Forum Place, Suite 3A

West Palm Beach, FL 33401

Telephone: 954-474-7703



Your Questions In Focus

What Happens to Your Property If You Owned It Before Getting Married in Florida?

When you tie the knot in Florida, you are not just saying "I do" to your spouse; you are also entering into a legal relationship with the state's laws on property division. Now, before you start envisioning a courtroom drama where you are fighting tooth and nail over who gets the antique spoon collection, let's take a deep dive into the sunny side of understanding what happens to the property you owned before getting married in the Sunshine State.

Marital vs. Non-Marital Property: What's the Difference?

It is important to understand the distinction between marital and non-marital property under Florida law. Essentially, anything you owned prior to your marriage is considered non-marital property and should, in theory, remain yours in the event of a divorce. This includes that car you've been polishing every Sunday, the condo you bought after landing your first big job, or the vintage guitar you've been strumming for years.

However, the waters can get a bit murky. For instance, you might assume that your pension, which you started accruing at a job before meeting your spouse, is entirely yours. But the value that your pension accumulates during the marriage is seen as marital property. Imagine your pension as a tree you planted before your marriage; the fruits it bears during your marriage are considered a joint effort.

Commingling of Assets: A Note on Shared Finances

An important aspect to consider is the commingling of assets. This occurs when non-marital property is mixed with marital property, potentially changing its classification. For example, if rent from a property owned before marriage is deposited into a joint account, it may be considered commingled and thus potentially classified as marital property. Understanding commingling is crucial in determining the division of assets.

Are There Exceptions to the Rule?

Indeed, there are a few twists. Prenuptial agreements can alter the standard definitions of marital and non-marital property, allowing couples to decide for themselves how their assets should be categorized. It's akin to agreeing on who gets which slice of the pie before even baking it.

Income from non-marital assets also presents an interesting scenario. If you're the proud owner of a rental property before getting hitched, not only is the property itself non-marital, but so too is the income it generates during your marriage. Yes, you can indeed have your cake and eat it, at least in this case.

How Does the Division Process Work?

Don't rush to label every item in your possession just yet. The division of property in a divorce is more than a simple game of "mine" and "yours." It involves a comprehensive discovery phase where everything is put on the table—yes, including that fancy cutlery made of sterling silver you thought no one knew about.

Open communication is crucial. The story of how and when each asset came into your life could significantly affect whether it is considered marital or non-marital. Received an inheritance during your marriage? If it was just to you, Florida law typically sees it as yours alone.

What If Ownership Is Contested?

Here's where it gets a bit like a detective story. Proving (or contesting) ownership requires gathering evidence, such as purchase receipts, financial statements, and possibly even witness testimony. It's about building a case to demonstrate that what's yours is indeed yours, or figuring out what's fair if things are less clear.

Ready for Some Assistance?

Brunelli Law P.A. is more than a law firm; it's your partner in navigating the complexities of property division and all the other complex factors that come along with a divorce. We're here to protect what's yours, offering expertise with a personal touch.

Ready to secure your assets with ease? Simply schedule a consultation by visiting this booking link and let's dive into the details together. Stay strong and take the necessary steps to protect yourself and your family.

Stay tuned for next month's newsletter for more answers to your

burning legal questions!

Follow Us on Instagram For More Helpful Insights like this!


The Supreme Comical Counsel

Delivering Laughter in the Name of Justice


Extending Our Sincere Appreciation for Your Support and Referrals 

Thank you for entrusting us with your legal needs. If you've been satisfied with the legal services you've received, could you please take a moment to share your experience?

Your review will not only serve as invaluable feedback for me but will also assist others in making an informed decision when seeking legal representation. Thank you!

Please Leave Us a Review!

Enjoyed This Newsletter? 

If you're hungry for more engaging content, we invite you to explore our new website where we post monthly informational blogs. For even more updates, follow us on Instagram, where we share tons of fresh content every week.

Thank you again for being part of our community, and get ready for another exciting newsletter coming your way next month! Stay tuned!

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The Barrister’s Building

1615 Forum Place Suite 3A West Palm Beach, FL 33401


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The Barrister’s Building

1615 Forum Place Suite 3A West Palm Beach, FL 33401


By using this web site, you acknowledge you have read this disclaimer and you accept to be bound by the terms hereof.

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