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Brunelli Law Newsletters

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Newsletter 2023

November 13, 20237 min read

Your Dedicated Attorney Committed to Working for You

Business Law • Family Law • Real Estate • Probate & Estate Planning • (954) 474-7703

Marjorie's Message

The Strength of Unity in Our Professional and Personal Journeys

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

As I reflect on the winding journey that has brought me to where I am today, I'm reminded of a time when the world seemed like a vast ocean and I, a solitary sailor. For many years, I navigated the choppy waters of the legal profession alone, without a compass or a guiding star. I was a lone warrior, armed with nothing but my wits and determination, steadfast in the belief that I had to figure everything out by myself.

Finding Community and Support

In the courtroom, every victory was hard-won, every setback a lesson learned in solitude. I prided myself on my independence, yet deep down, I yearned for something more—a sense of belonging, a community of like-minded individuals to share ideas, exchange knowledge, creating a symbiotic world where friendship, support, and mentorship are the basis of its structure.

Over the years I have met and connected with quite a few amazing attorneys who share a similar background to mine, being from Brazil and starting over in the U.S. Through this community, which also includes American attorneys, I discovered the power of connection and strength that comes from a support network. These remarkable women became my confidantes, my mentors, my friends, and I became theirs. I have learned that seeking guidance is not a sign of weakness, but of wisdom. That sharing our struggles is not a burden, but a bond. And that lifting each other up does not diminish your own light, but makes it shine all the brighter.

The Paradigm Shift

As I embraced this new paradigm, my professional life transformed as well. No longer the lone warrior, I began to seek out and cherish the camaraderie of my colleagues. I learned to lean on others, to ask for help, and to offer it in return. Networking has created a path of collaboration, mutual growth, and shared success I only dreamed possible.

Discovering Joy in Golf – LEGS

In a turn of events, I decided to expand the idea of networking to something I enjoy doing as a respite from the demands of the law, and quickly discovered that golf could be so much more than a sport I enjoy playing. In my quest, I found and joined the Ladies Executive Golf Society, endearingly known as LEGS. Twice a month I get to connect with these ladies, play golf, have fun, and grow my networking group and support system outside of the legal field. It has been a blast and we are just getting started!


Embracing Community in Our Lives

Today, as I stand on the threshold of another chapter in my career, I am no longer alone. I am part of a community that spans beyond the courtroom and the serene expanse of a golf course—a network of hearts and minds that supports and uplifts me every day.

A Call to Connect and Grow Together

So, my dear friends, my message to you is this: Don't shoulder your burdens alone. Reach out, connect, and embrace the support that's waiting for you. Whether it's finding a mentor, joining a professional group, or simply sharing your challenges with a trusted friend, remember that we are stronger together than we could ever be apart.

Conclusion: The Joy of Shared Journeys

In unity, there is strength. In support, there is growth. And in the company of others, there is a joy that the solitary journey could never offer.

With heartfelt gratitude for the connections that have changed my life

Marjorie Brunelli, Esq.

The Barrister’s Building

1615 Forum Place, Suite 3A

West Palm Beach, FL 33401

Telephone: 954-474-7703



Your Questions In Focus

Understanding the Role and Impact of a Guardian Ad Litem in Florida

In my years at the helm of family law cases, I've crossed paths with quite a few guardians ad litem (GALs). Trust me, these folks often have more detective skills than Sherlock Holmes – minus the deerstalker hat, of course. Today, I want to share a bit about the GAL's role in Florida custody cases, sprinkled with insights from my own experiences in the courtroom.

When Does a GAL Come into the Picture?

You know things are getting serious in a custody case when the court decides it's time to call in a GAL. According to Florida law (I'm looking at you, §39.822 (1) and §61.401), the court is required to appoint a GAL in cases where there are whispers of child abuse, abandonment, or neglect. And let me tell you, when these allegations come up, it's a game-changer.

The GAL: Not Just Another Suit in the Courtroom

So, what exactly does a GAL do? Well, they’re kind of like the child’s ambassador in the court – representing the little ones' best interests, without the diplomatic immunity, of course. They're not the child’s lawyer, but rather an impartial sleuth whose mission is to uncover the truth in the child's world. From my experience, their reports can be eye-openers, revealing facets of the case that might otherwise have remained hidden in the shadows.

A Day in the Life of a GAL

Picture this: A GAL walks into a courtroom – it's not the start of a joke, but a typical day in family law. They come armed with information gathered from home visits (yes, surprise ones too!), interviews with parents, children, teachers, and maybe even the family dog if it could talk. They're thorough, and for a good reason. What they find and report could sway the court's decision on who gets custody.

GAL Recommendations: The Judge's GPS, but Not the Driver

Here’s the catch – while GALs provide detailed reports and recommendations, the judge isn't obligated to follow them to the letter. Think of GALs as providing a GPS route, but the judge is still driving the car and chooses the final destination.

Bringing It All Together: My Perspective

I’ve seen GALs in action and let me tell you, they can be the unsung heroes in these emotionally charged cases. Their insights often shine a light on what’s best for the kids, which is what it’s all about, right?

If you find yourself in the midst of a custody battle where a GAL is appointed, my advice? Be open, be honest, and maybe tidy up a bit if they’re coming for a home visit. Remember, they’re there for your child's best interests, which is something we all want.

Seek Professional Legal Counsel

Need more insights? Know that I'm here not just as your lawyer, but as someone who genuinely wants the best for you. Our door is always open. Simply schedule a consultation by visiting this booking link and let's dive into the details together. Stay strong and take the necessary steps to protect yourself.

Stay tuned for next month's newsletter for more answers to your burning legal questions!

Follow Us on Instagram For More Helpful Insights like this!


The Supreme Comical Counsel

Delivering Laughter in the Name of Justice

Extending Our Sincere Appreciation for Your Support and Referrals 

Thank you for entrusting us with your legal needs. If you've been satisfied with the legal services you've received, could you please take a moment to share your experience?

Your review will not only serve as invaluable feedback for me but will also assist others in making an informed decision when seeking legal representation. Thank you!

Please Leave Us a Review!

Enjoyed This Newsletter? 

 If you're hungry for more engaging content, we invite you to explore our new website where we post monthly informational blogs. For even more updates, follow us on Instagram, where we share tons of fresh content every week.

Thank you again for being part of our community, and get ready for another exciting newsletter coming your way next month! Stay tuned!

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Newsletter 2023

November 13, 20237 min read

Your Dedicated Attorney Committed to Working for You

Business Law • Family Law • Real Estate • Probate & Estate Planning • (954) 474-7703

Marjorie's Message

The Strength of Unity in Our Professional and Personal Journeys

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

As I reflect on the winding journey that has brought me to where I am today, I'm reminded of a time when the world seemed like a vast ocean and I, a solitary sailor. For many years, I navigated the choppy waters of the legal profession alone, without a compass or a guiding star. I was a lone warrior, armed with nothing but my wits and determination, steadfast in the belief that I had to figure everything out by myself.

Finding Community and Support

In the courtroom, every victory was hard-won, every setback a lesson learned in solitude. I prided myself on my independence, yet deep down, I yearned for something more—a sense of belonging, a community of like-minded individuals to share ideas, exchange knowledge, creating a symbiotic world where friendship, support, and mentorship are the basis of its structure.

Over the years I have met and connected with quite a few amazing attorneys who share a similar background to mine, being from Brazil and starting over in the U.S. Through this community, which also includes American attorneys, I discovered the power of connection and strength that comes from a support network. These remarkable women became my confidantes, my mentors, my friends, and I became theirs. I have learned that seeking guidance is not a sign of weakness, but of wisdom. That sharing our struggles is not a burden, but a bond. And that lifting each other up does not diminish your own light, but makes it shine all the brighter.

The Paradigm Shift

As I embraced this new paradigm, my professional life transformed as well. No longer the lone warrior, I began to seek out and cherish the camaraderie of my colleagues. I learned to lean on others, to ask for help, and to offer it in return. Networking has created a path of collaboration, mutual growth, and shared success I only dreamed possible.

Discovering Joy in Golf – LEGS

In a turn of events, I decided to expand the idea of networking to something I enjoy doing as a respite from the demands of the law, and quickly discovered that golf could be so much more than a sport I enjoy playing. In my quest, I found and joined the Ladies Executive Golf Society, endearingly known as LEGS. Twice a month I get to connect with these ladies, play golf, have fun, and grow my networking group and support system outside of the legal field. It has been a blast and we are just getting started!


Embracing Community in Our Lives

Today, as I stand on the threshold of another chapter in my career, I am no longer alone. I am part of a community that spans beyond the courtroom and the serene expanse of a golf course—a network of hearts and minds that supports and uplifts me every day.

A Call to Connect and Grow Together

So, my dear friends, my message to you is this: Don't shoulder your burdens alone. Reach out, connect, and embrace the support that's waiting for you. Whether it's finding a mentor, joining a professional group, or simply sharing your challenges with a trusted friend, remember that we are stronger together than we could ever be apart.

Conclusion: The Joy of Shared Journeys

In unity, there is strength. In support, there is growth. And in the company of others, there is a joy that the solitary journey could never offer.

With heartfelt gratitude for the connections that have changed my life

Marjorie Brunelli, Esq.

The Barrister’s Building

1615 Forum Place, Suite 3A

West Palm Beach, FL 33401

Telephone: 954-474-7703



Your Questions In Focus

Understanding the Role and Impact of a Guardian Ad Litem in Florida

In my years at the helm of family law cases, I've crossed paths with quite a few guardians ad litem (GALs). Trust me, these folks often have more detective skills than Sherlock Holmes – minus the deerstalker hat, of course. Today, I want to share a bit about the GAL's role in Florida custody cases, sprinkled with insights from my own experiences in the courtroom.

When Does a GAL Come into the Picture?

You know things are getting serious in a custody case when the court decides it's time to call in a GAL. According to Florida law (I'm looking at you, §39.822 (1) and §61.401), the court is required to appoint a GAL in cases where there are whispers of child abuse, abandonment, or neglect. And let me tell you, when these allegations come up, it's a game-changer.

The GAL: Not Just Another Suit in the Courtroom

So, what exactly does a GAL do? Well, they’re kind of like the child’s ambassador in the court – representing the little ones' best interests, without the diplomatic immunity, of course. They're not the child’s lawyer, but rather an impartial sleuth whose mission is to uncover the truth in the child's world. From my experience, their reports can be eye-openers, revealing facets of the case that might otherwise have remained hidden in the shadows.

A Day in the Life of a GAL

Picture this: A GAL walks into a courtroom – it's not the start of a joke, but a typical day in family law. They come armed with information gathered from home visits (yes, surprise ones too!), interviews with parents, children, teachers, and maybe even the family dog if it could talk. They're thorough, and for a good reason. What they find and report could sway the court's decision on who gets custody.

GAL Recommendations: The Judge's GPS, but Not the Driver

Here’s the catch – while GALs provide detailed reports and recommendations, the judge isn't obligated to follow them to the letter. Think of GALs as providing a GPS route, but the judge is still driving the car and chooses the final destination.

Bringing It All Together: My Perspective

I’ve seen GALs in action and let me tell you, they can be the unsung heroes in these emotionally charged cases. Their insights often shine a light on what’s best for the kids, which is what it’s all about, right?

If you find yourself in the midst of a custody battle where a GAL is appointed, my advice? Be open, be honest, and maybe tidy up a bit if they’re coming for a home visit. Remember, they’re there for your child's best interests, which is something we all want.

Seek Professional Legal Counsel

Need more insights? Know that I'm here not just as your lawyer, but as someone who genuinely wants the best for you. Our door is always open. Simply schedule a consultation by visiting this booking link and let's dive into the details together. Stay strong and take the necessary steps to protect yourself.

Stay tuned for next month's newsletter for more answers to your burning legal questions!

Follow Us on Instagram For More Helpful Insights like this!


The Supreme Comical Counsel

Delivering Laughter in the Name of Justice

Extending Our Sincere Appreciation for Your Support and Referrals 

Thank you for entrusting us with your legal needs. If you've been satisfied with the legal services you've received, could you please take a moment to share your experience?

Your review will not only serve as invaluable feedback for me but will also assist others in making an informed decision when seeking legal representation. Thank you!

Please Leave Us a Review!

Enjoyed This Newsletter? 

 If you're hungry for more engaging content, we invite you to explore our new website where we post monthly informational blogs. For even more updates, follow us on Instagram, where we share tons of fresh content every week.

Thank you again for being part of our community, and get ready for another exciting newsletter coming your way next month! Stay tuned!

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1615 Forum Place Suite 3A West Palm Beach, FL 33401


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The Barrister’s Building

1615 Forum Place Suite 3A West Palm Beach, FL 33401


By using this web site, you acknowledge you have read this disclaimer and you accept to be bound by the terms hereof.

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